Branding & Identity

Edu Voices Logo

Edu Voices is a podcast about education that began recording in 2020.

Shumka Centre

As part of the Regional Resilience Program, I was hired by the Shumka Centre and paired with Ellingsen Woods to build a brief with them and execute it during one semester.


Ellingsen Woods

Ellingsen Woods is a sawmill company on Cortes Island that focuses on sustainable forestry and value-added wood, such as hemlock wood. They work with the local Cortes Community Forest Cooperative and the Cortes Forestry General Partnership

We started the project with the intention of creating some social media templates and strategy to share the Ellingsen Woods story; however, we quickly realized the branding and identity needed to be worked on and expanded. By the end of the project, I delivered a designed branding and identity guide which included typography and colours as well as best practices for imagery particular to their company and information on the voice of Ellingsen Woods.

Lyofe: life and refuge through lyophilized food

Lyofe is an imaginary future company.

Lyofe is a very passionate group of people that believe contemporary technology can help us improve the world.
Lyofe is a place where passion and possibilities come together to make the world a better place for all of us.

Using the most advanced technology, lyofe produces lyophilized foods which are all locally produced by farmer partners.

This food (which now has a lot less weight) is then transported (in our green airplanes and ships) to countries that have recently been affected by natural disasters or are in war; where food insecurity is high and the programs in place are not enough yet to support the population.

Lyophilized food keeps the nutrients of the food and only requires water to be added to it-that is if wanted-and it is ready to eat, therefore food with more nutrients can get to places that need it and the technology to cook it is not necessary.

All of our food is donated based on International Organizations' budgets and donations. In addition we sell a set amount of our food per month, with every 1 portion sold, 1 portion is donated to a country in need.

Through lyophilized food Lyofe gives back the experience of a community and power to the people who need it the most.

Through its food lyofe brings humanity and refuge.




Social Media